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Additional Services

The Connect service provides sexual health advice and testing for people of all ages with learning disabilities or learning difficulties.

The service runs throughout the week and aims to ensure individuals are able to easily access support and care appropriate to their needs and circumstances.

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Some physical and psychological issues related to sexual health may require additional support.

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We are currently only able to offer cervical screening to individuals who have received a letter inviting them for a test AND who are registered with a GP practice within one of the London boroughs.

More information 

If you are worried you may be pregnant do a pregnancy test after your period should have started or 3 weeks after you had the sex that may have been a risk (no condom, condom broke, hadn’t used your normal contraception correctly).

If the pregnancy test is positive and you wish to continue with the pregnancy inform your GP or local maternity service and they will explain the care you need.

If the pregnancy test is positive and you are unsure about what to do Brook has lots of information, advice and support.

If you are pregnant and don’t wish to continue with the pregnancy you can get a free termination. Residents of Kingston should contact the South West London Central Booking Service on 0345 872 5503. If you are not resident in Kingston contact one of the numbers provided on the NHS advice page to find your local provider.

We are unable to provide testing and certificates for those undergoing IVF treatment as our results are not accepted by these clinics.

Please contact your IVF provider for information about which testing services they will accept results from.

We no longer run a walk-in service however, we still offer same day emergency appointments and appointments in the week including evenings.

Please call the clinic on the call centre number below before attending and we can then ensure to book you into the correct appointment type.